In order for your child to make ARE (Age Related Expectation) in Writing by the end of Year 5, their spelling must be consistently accurate. By July, each child must be able to spell most of the Year 3/4 and some Year 5/6 spelling words correctly, from the National Curriculum, for us to enter them as 'working at ARE'.
As we have progressed through the year, we have discovered that for the majority of children, they have been successful in revising the year 3/4 and 5/6 spellings for their weekly spelling tests. However, the children are not yet successfully retaining the spellings in their writing tasks. It is important to regularly practise all spellings from both lists, something that we are doing regularly in class. Additional practice of these spellings at home can support the children in this process.
With this in mind, we are sending you the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 words so that you can go over the words your child struggles with at home.
We hope this helps! Many thanks for your continued support.
Langford Village Community Primary School
Peregrine Way
OX26 6SX
Tel: 01869 369021
Email: office.2608@langford-village.oxon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Tomlin
SENCo: Ms Ruth Nixon
Paper copies or all information available on this website can be obtained from the school office free of charge