Victoria Hill School of Ballet takes place on a Friday at 3.40pm for 3yrs upwards. Please contact Victoria Hill School of Ballet directly to enquire about the availabilty of spaces. Tel:07748 455093 Email: balletwithmsvictoria@gmail.com
Senshu Judo Club will take place on Mondays 3.30pm - 4.30pm commencing Monday 6th March 2023. The club is available for children age 4 -11. Please contact coach Laura Scarlett-McAllister to enquire about places on 07900 866423
Langford Village Community Primary School
Peregrine Way
OX26 6SX
Tel: 01869 369021
Email: office.2608@langford-village.oxon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Tomlin
SENCo: Ms Ruth Nixon
Paper copies or all information available on this website can be obtained from the school office free of charge