Please use this link to contact the front office who will forward it to the relevant member of staff.
This information can be found in the local authority's composite prospectus which is published on their website.
Please follow this link to find out all about our Curriculum
Parents may access the most recent report about the school published by her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills on the Ofsted website. Please access this information by clicking the link.
The amount of the school's allocation from the Pupil Premium grant for this academic year with details of how it is intended that the allocation will be spent; details of how the previous academic year's allocation was spent, and the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school in respect of whom grant funding was allocated.
Please view the relevant information by following this link. There are no members of staff at this school earning salaries in excess of £100,000 per annum.
The school's Privacy Notice and GDPR Data Protection policy can be found here.
Langford Village Community Primary School
Peregrine Way
OX26 6SX
Tel: 01869 369021
Email: office.2608@langford-village.oxon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Tomlin
SENCo: Ms Ruth Nixon
Paper copies or all information available on this website can be obtained from the school office free of charge