Barn Owls

Welcome to Year 4!

We are Barn Owls class. Mrs Elliott and Mrs Court are the class teachers. We also have Miss Walden and Mrs Hollo to support us with our learning.


PE: PE lesson days are Wednesdays. Your child will need to come to school wearing their PE kit. Please do not send in a change of clothes as your child will remain in their kit for the day. 

There are daily opportunities for children to read in school, in addition to weekly guided reading sessions with the class teacher. However, we would like you to read with your child at home as this will help with their fluency, pace of reading and provide opportunities to widen their vocabulary, which will help develop their writing. 


Homework Expectations can be found under 'Classrooms and Curriculum>Homework'

There are daily opportunities for children to read in school, in addition to weekly guided reading sessions with the class teacher. However, please encourage your child to read at home as this will help with their fluency, pace of reading and provide opportunities to widen their vocabulary, which will help develop their writing.

Reading, preferably to an adult for 20 minutes a day. 

Times Tables Rockstars - please practice your times tables at home regularly. This is good preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check later in the academic year. Further information to follow. We have also uploaded links to Times Tables songs to help.

In addition, Year 4 are learning the chant below to help them with their times tables. 

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