
Welcome to Eagle class in Year 6, where we work and play hard.

We are Eagles Class! Mrs Lamburn is the class teacher.

Year 6 Support Staff: Mrs Rogers, Mrs Vasudevan, Mrs Webster, Mrs Hollo 


All children will need a water bottle in class every day. Please can we ask that bottles only contain water and are clearly named. These can be refilled anytime at school. 

As a school, we promote healthy eating. Please can we remind you that break time snacks must be fresh fruit, vegetables, or low sugar cereal bars. Please note we are an allergy aware school - please take extra care to check foods that your child brings to school, especially those containing nuts (such as Nutella and Pesto). 

Children can bring in their own pencil cases; as space is limited, they are only allowed one regular sized pencil case. Larger or additional pencil cases will be sent home.  

In Year 6, P.E. is taught on a Thursday. Your child will need to come to school in P.E kit for the day. Earrings will need to be taped up at home (school does not supply tape for covering earrings), or preferably, your child will not wear them on their P.E. day. Long hair must also be tied up.  

Please ensure that children dress appropriately for the season, as weather is changeable. This includes a sun hat - which must be in school during the summer terms - and warm coat during the winter. They should have a water-proof jacket all year. If it is raining, we still go outside. Children who do not bring in a waterproof coat will not be able to play on the playground and will need to remain under the covered area for the durations of playtime. Please apply long lasting sun cream before school on sunny days as children will not be permitted to bring in cream from home.   

Make up and nail varnish are not permitted. No jewellery is allowed other than stud earrings and a watch (no Smart watches - children will be asked to remove these and they will be returned at the end of the day). The school cannot take responsibility for any watches, jewellery or any other items brought in from home. Please ensure all long hair is tied back for the school day.  

As our Year 6s are the new positive role models for the school, we hope you will help support us in their new role. Our uniform policy and expectations can be found on the school website.


To prepare children for their transition to secondary school, where they will receive daily homework from numerous subjects, Year 6 children will be expected to complete weekly Maths and English homework in addition to reading for 20-minutes a day (over 5 days of the week), practising their weekly spelling patterns and statutory Year 6 spellings and completing, each week, one activity from the homework grid. A paper copy of Maths and English homework will be sent home on a Friday and expected to be returned on the following Wednesday. The term’s spellings will be available online along with the homework grid.   

We will attach an online answer sheet for the Maths and English tasks so that you can mark and then see how your child is progressing. We ask that the children bring in their homework (including Maths and English) to be celebrated with the class on a Wednesday. We will be monitoring homework and reading, and if you have any concerns, please get in touch with either of us.  

Homework Expectations can be found under 'Classrooms and Curriculum>Homework'


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