Football Club Information & Waiting List Form

Open to children in Years 5 & 6

What is Football club?

Year 5 & 6 football club will be run after school by Mr North. The aim of the club is to develop your child's teamwork and spirit, whilst improving their footballing ability and skills. Children who attended in the Autumn term have now all been allocated a place in one of Langford's highly successful teams, which are part of the Bicester Primary School Leagues. Children will now play matches only during terms 3 & 4.

The Bicester Primary Schools Leagues will run in their usual set up. There is an A league a B League and this year there is also a C league as well as a Girls only league. Girls can also play in the A, B & C teams, however as we will be entering 2 separate girls only teams this year we expect the A, B & C league teams to be made up of primarily boys. If your daughter would particularly prefer to play in the mixed league as opposed to the girls only team, please discuss this with Mr. North.

Langford has always entered a team into each league, with a lot of success. 

Details of fixtures will be communicated as we go through the term.

Parents of children attending Football club will be asked to assist with transport to away fixtures.

In recent years, as a school, we have won several league trophies and have been involved in many finals. We would certainly love to continue this excellence in sport! Each year, this club has been a pleasure to run, and we hope this will continue for another year.

Who can attend Football club?

All children who participating in training during terms 1 & 2 are expected to continue. If your child does not wish to continue this term, please let us know via the school office. Football club is now full and a waiting list will be held for any children wishing to join.

Where and when is Football club?

There will be no training taking place this term, just matches. Details of all matches will be communicated to parents in advance and will be shown on the fixtures list.

What do I need?

Pupils should come to school in their school PE kit on the day of Football matches. Your child must bring with them appropriate football boots and shin pads, along with 'weather appropriate' kits, such as waterproof layers. Please ensure that when the weather is warm sunscreen is worn. The children can also bring a healthy snack and water for hydration. They will not be allowed to play in trainers and without shin pads. 

How do I sign up?

Football Club is currently full , if your child would like a place in this club, please complete the below waiting list form and we will be in touch should a place become available for them.


Yours sincerely,

Mr North

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