
On behalf of the governors of Langford Village Community Primary School, I would like to warmly welcome you and your children to our school and community. 

The Headteacher and staff are the backbone of this school and it is they who make the school what it is on a daily basis.  The role of our governors is also very important.  The governors are involved in all aspects of school life, including the annual setting of the school strategy and regularly monitoring progress towards this throughout the academic year, as well as regularly monitoring the delivery of the curriculum and the financial running of the school.  There are up to twelve governors at any given time, all volunteers who are representing parents, staff, members of our local community and our local authority, who collectively bring a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience to the school.

The overarching aims of the governing body are to ensure that everyone associated with the school understands the school’s vision and values, that all children are given the opportunity to realise their full potential and all staff are trained and supported to achieve this, and that the funding the school receives from central government is well spent.

Please do talk to me if you wish to discuss anything, I can be contacted via the school office.

Mrs Sam Porteous,

Chair of Governors

Langford Village Community Primary School

Sam Porteous

I was originally elected as a parent governor in June 2022 and became a community governor in July 2023.  I was elected by the Board as the Chair of Governors in September 2023 and I also sit on the Finance and Resources Committee.  I have one son who attended Langford Village School for his primary education. 

I wanted to join the governing board to support the school in enabling every child to achieve their full potential and to have the best primary school experience they can. 

I am a Chartered Management Accountant and have worked in a range of businesses, from well-known global organisations to much smaller companies, focusing on operational and financial business improvements, setting and monitoring strategic direction and cultural change.  I am currently the Finance Director for a luxury travel company and I also provide freelance support to entrepreneurs and start-up companies on their paths to growth and financial success.  I have previously held volunteer roles in charities and community groups, supporting financial, administrative and strategic objectives.

I like to spend my spare time out and about with my husband, son and crazy cockapoo, exploring different places and spending time with family and friends.  Before moving to Bicester we lived for 10 years on the island of Jersey, we miss being so close to the sea so we love to get to the coast when we can.  

Please talk to me if you wish to discuss anything; I can be contacted via the school office.

Hannah Ritter

I was elected as a Parent governor in July 2023 and am currently the Vice Chair and serve on the Finance and Resources committee. 

I am passionate about actively contributing to the continued improvement and success of the school. I work for a construction company, building a Bicester school as well as other local projects and I’m keen to use my workplace connections to provide further support for Langford Village primary and opportunities for its children, building bright futures for all.

Sarah Tomlin

My name is Sarah Tomlin I am currently the Headteacher at Langford Village Community Primary School and hope to bring my teaching experience, leadership and safeguarding knowledge to the governing body and for the benefit of all of our pupils. 

I have taught at Langford since 2005 and have enjoyed many varied roles such as Literacy Coordinator, FSU Phase Leader, Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. 

I have two children, both have attended Langford, and both have thrived in the ethos, nurture and expertise offered by the amazing staff at Langford. 

I currently serve on the QTS Governors Sub-committee, often presenting up to date school information, progress and attainment, ensuring that as Governors we are accountable for the school as a whole.

Kay Brown

I have the honour of being the longest serving Governor at Langford Village Primary School having been a Governor since 1999. Whilst my 3 children were at the school I was a parent Governor and then I became a Local Authority Governor. Now I am a co-opted Governor. I have taught at The Cooper School since 2004 and feel it is useful for the Governors and the school to have a link with our feeder secondary school. I am chair of the Teaching Quality and Standards committee. I believe as a Governor it is my role to work with the school to ensure that the school delivers a good quality of education and help them to set the school's aims and policies.

Katie Epps

I was elected as a parent governor in June 2022 and currently serve on the QTS committee. I have lived in Langford for the past 21 years and I have a daughter who is currently in KS2 at the school.


I have been teaching for 24 years, in the north of the country and now in Buckinghamshire. I am currently a Deputy Headteacher of a large Primary School. My roles include teaching in KS2, English Lead, Pupil Premium Lead and EVC Lead. I am also a Specialist Leader in Education for English and support schools in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire with their school improvement work. This role also involves delivering the Early Career Teacher training to newly qualified teachers.


I wanted to join the governing board at Langford to support the school with its journey of school improvement, whilst also being able to draw upon my professional knowledge and experience.


Outside of school, I like to spend time with my family. I have an older son who also used to attend the school. We like to spend time exploring and visiting new places. Before moving to Bicester, my husband and I lived in Sheffield so we like to visit there often and see family. I also enjoy running, reading, baking and doing crochet!

Mellissa Edge

I was elected parent governor in September 2023 and I am currently remember of the OTS committee.  My son attends Langford and has done right from when he went to Cygnets. I teach in a local primary school and wanted to get involved with Langford Governors to see things from a different perspective as a parent. I will be able to help the school on its journey but combining my knowledge of education and my professional experience. 

Before coming to Bicester we lived in Warwickshire but have been on Langford for 10 years now. Outside of work I enjoy reading, baking and spending time with friends and family.

Jemma Garraway

My name is Jemma Garraway and I am the staff governor at Langford Village Community Primary School. I have been a classroom teacher for over 20 years in Buckinghamshire and now in Oxfordshire. The last nine years have been spent at Langford Village. 
During my time at Langford, I have taught in both Key Stages 1 and 2 and have taken on a variety of roles and responsibilities from co-ordinating a variety of curriculum subjects as well as leading the Pupil Leadership Team and Eco Council and launching the new House system at Langford. I am also the workplace and Health and Safety rep for the NEU.
My husband and I live in Bicester with our three children who attend local primary and secondary schools and life is a constant mixture of mayhem and magic! Away from school, I like to spend time with my family and friends watching sports, visiting new places, pottering in my garden with my flowers. I also try to go back to my home in West Wales to see my family as often as I can as it is such a beautiful part of the world. 

Alistair Wilson O'Brien

My name is Alister Wilson O’Brien, and I was elected as a Co-opted Governor in May 2024.You might recognise me from running The Nightingale Public House just a few meters away from the school with my husband Kieran.

In addition to that I also work within the financial sector most recently specialising in Procurement and Supplier Relationship Management but have been in finance in many roles over the last 10+years.

While all that does keep me busy, Kieran & I are well known for taking many holidays (to the envy of all our friends) and have lived on Langford Village for 10 years, with me being born and bred in Bicester.

We have no children of our own, but collectively we’re uncles to over 20 nieces and nephews (yes Christmas is expensive).

I’m a real strong advocate for building a sense of belonging and having the ability to give back to the local community.

Being a Co-opted Governor is a great way for me to help shape the minds of the future and I am delighted to be part of the school governors.

Louise Munday

I was elected as a co-opted governor in May 2024. 

I moved to Langford Village last year with my Fiancé and wanted to get involved in the local community. 

I work for a high end Property Management company in Central London dealing with major projects, maintenance, finance and compliance for new builds and mansion blocks.  I am hoping that my 30 years+ experience and knowledge in this field will be able to provide support for the school.

Houdesh Luchun

Houdesh was elected as a Governor in November 2024. Photograph and bio to follow.

Nicole Brooks

I have been an LA Clerk since March 2014 and have 20+ years of administration experience. I have clerked for two other schools in Oxfordshire and I am currently undergoing the clerk's accreditation process.

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