Headteacher's Special Recognition

At Langford we recognise that it is incredibly important to celebrate those children who have achieved or demonstrated something extra special, either inside or outside of school. This could be something academic but could also be an act of kindness or something special that they have done or achieved in their own time. To recognise this, we have our Headteacher’s Special Recognition.

Each week staff will nominate one child from each year group to receive this special recognition and the children selected will receive an invitation in our Tuesday morning assembly. These children will be rewarded by spending some fun time on a Friday afternoon in a ‘Fun Friday’ session with Mrs Tomlin and members of the Senior Leadership Team. If your child has received any awards or achieved something special outside of school, please be sure to share this with their class teacher.

We are pleased to share with you below some of the fantastic talents, attributes and kindness of our wonderful children.

Please see below the children who received the Headteacher's Special recognition Award in Term 1

Attendees 8th November 2024

Reception Avah P For always being amazing and working so hard.
Year 1 Jessie S For always making the right choices and being cheerful.
Year 2 Lily B For trying your absolute best in EVERYTHING you do!
Year 3 Amelia S For always having a positive attitude to learning and in wider school life!
Year 4 Vera V E For being a role model pupil and going above and beyond in ALL that you do.
Year 5 Scarlett B For being a kind, thoughtful and caring girl who ALWAYS brightens up my day with her smile and hugs.
Year 6 Raphael S Y For his positive attitude and the consistent effort that he has put into all classroom activities.

Attendees 25th October 2024

Reception Albie C For always making the right choices and being cheerful.
Year 1 Isabella N For being kind and thoughtful when welcoming our new class member.
Year 2 Joseph N For winning man of the match .
Year 3 Tabitha C For an outstanding narrative in English.
Year 4 Maya H For having a fantastic first two weeks as a new Langford Star.
Year 5 Olivia W For being a kind and thoughtful member of Year 5. Welcoming new pupils, being a great friend and very supportive of others during the Oxford Half Marathon.
Year 6 Jamie M For overcoming personal challenges .

Attendees 11th October 2024

Reception Daryl M For enthusiastically communicating and playing with others.
Year 1 Ethan W For achieving his level 2 swimming badge
Year 2 Hanna M For always having polite manners and being a kind role model to her peers
Year 3 Skyla-Rose E For always displaying excellent manners and trying her best to help adults and her peers
Year 4 Oscar F-R For showing resilience and determination whenever he faces a challenge
Year 5 Nathaniel R-L For pushing himself to achieve his best at cross country, even when he found it challenging
Year 6 Carly H For her effort and commitment in every lesson and for not giving up when lessons become tricky.

Attendees 4th October 2024

Reception Theo M For eagerness, kindness and for participating in everything.
Year 1 Dylan F For doing some fantastic homework and working hard on '1 more and 1 less' at home.
Year 2 Joseph N For being super helpful and keeping the classroom tidy.
Year 3 Alfie R For his homework on Mary Anning.
Year 4 Elliot H For always being ready to learn, setting an amazing emample.
Year 5 Ollie S For his thoughtful contributions towards the class topic on 'refugees'.
Year 6 Aden K For his outstanding achievement in his chess tournaments and showing his commitment to improving his skill.

Attendees 27th September 2024

Reception Alfie R For being brave and trying something new in class.
Year 1 Bethany G For being a kind and considerate member of Wrens
Year 2 Charlie R For sharing his football trophy with the class.
Year 3 Logan S For always being polite and helpful to all children and adults
Year 4 Harry K For being a role model to his peers and being a star in all that he does.
Year 5 Lola D For having a fantastic positive start to Year 5 and adapting to cope with challenges.
Year 6 Henry M For just being Henry Manning from Year 6 and being FAB-U-LOUS!

Attendees 20th September 2024

Reception Willow H For having a great start to Reception year, doing some amazing listening and adjusting beautifully into her new routine.
Year 1 Lilly H For settling in to Year 1 so well and going out of her way to help Miss Shilling and everyone around her! Well done, Lilly.
Year 2 Dylan T For sharing a story with his class - Dylan read so confidently and with super expression!
Year 3 Calub K For completing the summer reading challenge 'Marvellous Makers'
Year 4 Zac G Zac has come back to school so beautifully. He has joined in with class routines and expectations, and has really shown the Langford values. Well done Zac.
Year 5 Olivia H For showing resilience, courage and determination, both in school and at home
Year 6 Noah R For showing great patience, support and encouragement to his peers during all of his lessons.
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