Homework Policy and Expectations


At Langford Village our approach to homework is based on  

  1. Developing and enhancing key skills (spellings/key words, reading and number facts) through tasks and activities that reinforce the learning in the classroom. 
  2. Enriching the curriculum outside of the classroom, inspiring children to be actively involved in extending and pursuing related learning at home (either from their own ideas or as suggested by their class teacher via termly homework plans and subject knowledge organisers) which they are welcome to share at school. 
  3. Maintaining opportunities to spend time with family, learn, play, pursue personal passions and develop interests in a relaxed environment at home through manageable, relevant homework expectations. 

How will we know it is working?

  • Progress and attainment across the curriculum 
  • Children's voice and interests 
  • Parent surveys and feedback 

Early Years

Parental involvement is essential

  • 10+ minutes reading daily

           (with an adult and then recorded in the reading diary)

  • Reception year only - Practise red words and high frequency words

           (on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Homework)

  • Reception year only - Practise counting and number bonds

             (supported by programs such as Numbots)

Key Stage 1

Parental involvement is essential

  • 10+ minutes reading daily

          (with an adult and then recorded in the reading diary)

5-10 minutes 3x week counting/number skills

          (supported by programs such as Numbots (Y1) or Times Table Rock Stars)

  • Practice red words (Year 1) or common exception words (Year 2)

          (on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Homework)

Lower Key Stage 2

Parental involvement is essential

  • 15+ minutes reading daily

             (with an adult and then recorded in the reading diary)

  • 5-10 minutes 3x week counting and continuing to practise times tables

(supported by programs such as Times Table Rock Stars)

  • Practise of spellings each week

           (on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Homework)

Upper Key Stage 2

Parental involvement is recommended as children build independence but not essential. If your child needs additional support with any of the skills below, please do continue to help them

  • 20+ minutes reading daily

             (to an adult/sibling or independently and recorded in reading diary)

  • Maths and English homework (Year 6 only)

(paper copy sent home each Friday to be returned every Wednesday. Answers for self-marking and Parental monitoring of progress available on School Life > Homework)

  • Counting and continuing to practise times tables

             (supported by programs such as Times Table Rock Stars)

  • Practise of spelling words each week

             (on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Homework)

  • Year 6 only - SATs revision books

           (sent home at Easter holidays)

Children also have access to

  • Activities from the homework menu, selecting ones to complete (or creative adaptions of activity ideas)(found on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Homework) 
  • Weblinks relating to many different subject areas (found on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Homework) 
  • Subject knowledge organisers to learn facts supporting learning in class (Y 1-6) (coming soon on School Life > Classrooms and Curriculum > Curriculum) 
  • PurpleMash (Years Reception - 6) and MiniMash (Nursery and Reception) (cross curricular activities - Individual log ins given out by class teachers) 
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