Easter Homework SATs Revision

In the files section of this page, you will find lots of activities to complete over the Easter break. We wanted to offer plenty of options and tasks for you to use during the holidays. Please mark these at home with your parents. You can let your teachers know how you did in Term 5.

As a minimum, we would like you to complete the Maths work which is titled, 'Ten-for-Ten-KS2-Maths-Practise-Booklet' and the 'Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary week of workouts' task. Alternatively, you can choose to do the 'KS2 Easter Revision Booklet' at the bottom of the page, which covers Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning) and Grammar for 10 days. Both options are great for you to use and help you practice.

With the 'Ten in Ten' Maths booklets, there is a set of 3 different levels: working towards, expected, and greater depth. All booklets offer ample support and opportunity to practice skills. If you are unsure which to choose, then begin with the 'Working Towards' and progress up if you wanted to. Any practice is better than no practice.

Not long to go now children- one last push to get over the finish line!

We're right here with you!

Team Y6

: )

SATS Revision Resources


English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


Easter Revision Booklet

Prize for those who can spot the mistake with the answer sheet

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