Modern Foreign Languages at Langford Village Community Primary School


The skills, knowledge and understanding gained through learning a language contribute to the development of children’s oracy and literacy and to their understanding of their own culture and those of others. At Langford Village Community Primary School, we feel that the earlier a child is exposed to foreign languages, the faster the language in question is acquired. We believe that the early acquisition of French and Spanish will facilitate the learning of other foreign languages later in life and will prepare children for the Key Stage 3 language curriculum.


Langford uses the ‘Twinkl Plan-It’ schemes of work to support the teaching and learning of French (Y3&4) and Spanish (Y5&6). The schemes provide clear progression for the development of speaking and listening and vocabulary acquisition; making explicit links to the five Framework strands for teaching and learning: oracy, literacy, intercultural understanding, knowledge about language and language learning strategies.

The ‘Twinkl Plan-It’ scheme uses a variety of techniques to encourage children to have an active engagement with French and Spanish:

  • Games - in order to develop vocabulary through repetition, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
  • Role-play - these should relate to the situations the children may find themselves in the future
  • Action songs and rhymes - to develop phonetic skills, memory skills and to further vocabulary
  • Reading and writing using quality materials
  • Building children’s confidence through praise for any contribution they make in French/Spanish, however tentative



By the time our children leave Langford they will:

  • Be aware that a language has a structure and that the structure differs from one language to another
  • Have developed their language and communication through the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing in French and Spanish
  • Have enriched their learning of language by developing an understanding of the French and Spanish cultures
  • Will be ready to continue to develop their language skills in Key Stage 3


Impact will be measured by:

  • Regular knowledge-check activities and teacher assessment during lessons
  • In school attainment tracking
  • Subject Leader monitoring: lesson visits, auditing of books, assessment analysis, pupil interviews and questionnaires, staff interviews and questionnaires
  • Governor monitoring
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