Children love to use computers, and using the internet is now a part of everyday life for children and young people whether it is at home, in school, on their mobile phones or on a games console. With this in mind, Internet Safety and knowing how to help protect children and young people online is essential.
At Langford Village School, we ensure our children are taught essential tips of online safety in stand alone lessons centred around 'Safer Internet Day' each year and also as part of their Computing and PSHE curriculums, as we believe way they start using computers, and the guidance they are given at this young age, can set them on the right path to being safer in later life.
Report online abuse by clicking the button here:
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works to protect children from harm online and offline, directly through CEOP led operations in partnership with local and international agencies. Their website offers further support in how and when to make use of this report function.
The internet is a fantastic resource and here at Langford Village we are committed to educating our pupils to be safe internet users.
There is one presentation for children and the other is intended for Parents and Guardians to help you understand how to keep your children safe online.
You may find the following guidance on some of the many social media sites useful. It is important to remember that Social Media Sites (for example Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Instagram etc) have a minimum age requirement of 13+ in their terms and conditions. WhatsApp and other internet based messaging services can only be used by 16 year olds and over.
If at any point you have any concerns about your child’s safety online, please talk with your child’s class teacher. You can also report it to CEOP (a police led online crime and safety service).
CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency, and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP is here to help young people (up to age 18) who have been forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity with anyone online or in the real world. They also offer advice and links to support in response to other online problems young people might face, such as cyberbullying or hacking. For information, advice and to report concerns directly to CEOP, visit the Safety Centre by clicking on the Click CEOP button, as mentioned above.
CEOP always recommend the following;
Most sites will have their own report buttons too or facility to block people and pages that cause you concern.
Langford Village Community Primary School
Peregrine Way
OX26 6SX
Tel: 01869 369021
Email: office.2608@langford-village.oxon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Tomlin
SENCo: Ms Ruth Nixon
Paper copies or all information available on this website can be obtained from the school office free of charge