Our Pupil Leadership Team, is a group of children with four representatives from each year from Reception to Year 6. These representatives were elected by their classmates to act as the official 'voice' for our pupils at Langford Village School. Mrs Garraway and Mrs Foster co-ordinate the PLT and meet every 2 weeks to discuss ways to enhance school life at Langford.
The Pupil Leaders go to meetings once a term and take part in discussions. The Pupil Leaders bring the views of the classmates to the meeting to ensure they are acting as the voice of the children. They also let their class know what was discussed and share feedback.
The Pupil Leadership Team arrange fundraising activities for charities such as Comic Relief, Children in Need, Sports Relief and the Poppy Appeal.
They will also come up with ideas on how to improve the school, working alongside our Teaching and Support staff, Senior Leadership team and Governors
The Pupil Leadership Team began term 2 by clearing and planting the seeds which were given to schools to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III. The packets of seeds include native annual wildflower species – cornflower, corn poppy, corn chamomile, corncockle, corn marigold and night-flowering catchfly – which if sown this spring, will be in bloom this summer.
The wildflowers will support a wide range of insects including bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Each packet covers around two square metres of blue, white, purple, red, and yellow flower
The Pupil Leadership Team were eager to be involved in the launch of Langford’s House system this term having played a key role in naming the houses and choosing the house colours linked to facts we found out about the houses. Planning took place to ensure that the launch of the houses was a fun and vibrant affair.
The Pupil Leadership team asked to hold the first cake sale in Langford since COVID 19. The team did a great job in running the stalls during the school day and supporting after school and raised close to £500. The money from which, will go towards purchasing playground equipment for the pupils to use.
The Pupil Leadership Team were also keen to have a day of STARS colour and the school was awash with colour and fun on the Friday of STARS Houses week with pupils wearing their house colours! Our Friday assembly was a rainbow of colour.
In Term 3, the PLT met to organise plans for up and coming events. These include supporting the Eco Committee with the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch and planning events around British Science Week in Term 4 and Comic Relief.
The main event in the calendar for Term 4 for the PLT to help plan was the Comic Relief Red Nose Day Appeal. It was decided that we would all dress up with the theme 'funny' in mind with lots of fantastic crazy hair styles and outfits worn around the school.
We also had year group talent shows and the children shared their favourite jokes and impressions and there was lots of laughter to be heard.
The cake sale at break time was a real hit and the Pupil Leadership Team helped to organise and deliver this perfectly for the school.
Well done to the PLT for their help in raising £750 for this worthwhile charity.
Langford Village Community Primary School
Peregrine Way
OX26 6SX
Tel: 01869 369021
Email: office.2608@langford-village.oxon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Tomlin
SENCo: Ms Ruth Nixon
Paper copies or all information available on this website can be obtained from the school office free of charge