Recent Projects

Over the years FOLVS funds have been used to pay for various items in school. FOLVS paid for the new climbing frame in nursery and reception playground, new school sports kit, playground repainting and colourful games, the wooden teaching hut on the field, and much, much, more.

Please find below an update on how FOLVS funds have been raised and what they have been spent on as of March 2023.

Raised 2022-23 so far

Clothes Bin

 £     274.35


Back to school disco

 £  1,438.24


Xmas Cards

 £     279.50



 £     301.00


Xmas Disco

 £     938.25


Mothers day

 £     260.49


Other income

 £     258.96

 (easy fundraising, amazon smile etc)

Total income

 £  3,750.79


Climbing Frame in Nursery

School Sports Kit

Playground Repainting and Games

Pizza for Year 6

School Nativity

A School Life Website
School Life app download
School Life app download