Our Nursery now offers 30-hour funded places. Get in contact to find out more.

School Timings

The school gates open just after 8.30am to give you time to get to your year group cloakroom doors.

Cloakroom doors will open at 8.40 and children will be welcomed into school. 

Registration closes at 8.55am and after that point your child will be marked as late. Please try to be as prompt as possible. 

School gates will be locked and remain locked until 3.10pm when we will open them for end of the day collections. 


Nursery enter via their own gate at the front of school, next to the main office. 

Year Group Start of the school day Registration closes End of the school day
Nursery 9am or 12pm 9.05am or 12.05pm 12pm or 3pm
Reception to Year 6 8.40am 8.55am 3.15pm

Total school hours provided in a typical week is 32.5

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