Langford Village CP School - Uniform Policy

Langford Village CP School has a uniform policy that is inclusive for all. Pupils attending Langford Village CP School are expected to wear the required uniform and parents are asked to support this approach.

We believe that school uniform is important as it plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos and the belonging of the school.  It instils pride, supports positive behaviour, and ensures pupils from all backgrounds feel welcome, nurtures cohesion and promotes good relations between different groups of pupils.  A school uniform readily identifies children with the school when they are out and about in the community and on school trips.

Our school uniform is as follows:


Navy crew-neck sweatshirt or cardigan

Gold polo shirt

Grey, navy or black trousers, shorts, skirt, or pinafore dress

Light blue, yellow or navy gingham dress

Plain white, grey, navy or black socks

Plain grey, navy or black tights

Flat black school shoes

Plain navy bookbag (from Reception to Year 6).


P.E.(from Reception to Year 6)

Plain navy t-shirt 

Plain navy shorts, tracksuit bottoms or joggers

Plain navy sweatshirt or jumper


P.E. kit is to be worn into school on your child's P.E. day.


Outdoor Wear

Please ensure that children come to school with the appropriate outdoor wear so that they can enjoy outdoor play whenever possible.


For children in Foundation Stage Unit please ensure your child has the following in school every day (this can be left on their peg in the cloakroom)


Waterproof coats

Waterproof trousers

A full set of spare clothes - including pants and socks.

Please ensure that your child's uniform is clearly labelled.

Make up and Jewellery

Make up and nail varnish are not permitted.

No jewellery is permitted other than one pair of stud earrings and a watch. Pupils must be responsible for these items. The school cannot take responsibility for any watches or jewellery that are lost. Earrings must be removed or covered with tape on P.E. days prior to coming to school.


Uniform in the Langford Village CP School colours can be purchased from most major supermarkets.


Langford Village CP School logo uniform is available from Brigade using their online order system:

Second hand uniform is available to purchase please contact the school office for details. 

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